Sydney Sydney Sydney! A quick guide to Sydney with links to other sites, skate scene info (parks, ramps), etc. Well worth a read if you're new to Sydney. |
Australian Rollerblading Online Magazine-
Check out this site with pics and videos from the Australian Inline Skating Championships. Features lots of Australia's best aggressive inline skaters / rollerbladers (ramp, street, park, vert). Site founded by James O'Connor. |
Rollerskating Lessons.. Interested in improving your quad skating so that you can join the cityskates, try out for roller derby or jam skating or ramps.... |
Rollerblading Brisbane Skate School. Learn how to rollerblade / inline skate / rollerskate in Brisbane. | delivering quality chiropractic care and injury management to the St Leonards community since 2006. |
Rollerblading Sydney is on Instagram |
Check out the Rollerblading / Rollerskating Sydney Twitter feed |
Rollerblading the streets of Sydney At Night Weekly skates held on Wednesday nights - these night skates are excellent fun for proficient skaters! Cityskate meets every Wednesday night in the city (weather permitting). TIME: 9pm. The skate usually lasts between 2 to 3 hours. See the facebook group for details. Search for Sydney Bladers on facebook. |